'Oracle of Poeticscape'
Book with Collection of 22 calligraphic drawings and 22 poems in English and Japanese (148mm×210mm)

Being inspired by archetypes of the major arcana cards in a traditional tarot system, Eriko worked on 22 poems in both English and Japanese and 22 symbolic drawings where she infused her poetic healing approach and turned them into a book for others to practice the poetic healing method independently and be their own healers.
The book, 'Oracle of Poeticscape, ' invites the audience to practice the method by deconstructing it, shuffling pages, and reconstructing them into one's own new narrative.
Through this project, she hopes to share with others her poetic thinking as an alternative healing method and her own emotional healing journey from her psychological difficulties, such as depression, her emotional discoveries with her poetic thinking and her personal experiences of each archetype in her journey.

'Oracle of Poeticscape', Zaratan Art Comtemporanea, Lisbon, PT|Aug 2023

In the exhibition 'Oracle of Poeticscape', the original drawings were also presented.

'Oracle of Poeticscape', Zaratan Art Comtemporanea, Lisbon, PT|Aug 2023

'Oracle of Poeticscape', Zaratan Art Comtemporanea, Lisbon, PT|Aug 2023

'Oracle of Poeticscape', Zaratan Art Comtemporanea, Lisbon, PT|Aug 2023
This project has been developed during an art residency programme at Zaratan Art Contemporanea,
and supported by Art Project Grant, Gyomu Super Japan Dream Foundation.